Science teacher students´ misconceptions in pedology

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Štěpánka Chmelová


This study deals with the analysis of misconceptions of pedology in future science teachers studying at the Faculty of Education of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The most common misconceptions were investigated using 10 open-response test items. The set of respondents consisted of a total of 35 undergraduate students. Numerous misconceptions of future teachers were found in this study. The most frequently identified misconceptions were as follows: soil is not "alive", soil species and soil type are one and the same, soil is classified as a renewable resource, plants take everything from soil for their growth and development, humus is just decomposed plants. Up to 37 % of the respondents struggle with one or even more misconceptions from the pedology curriculum. Soil, its formation, meaning and properties are important for understanding the relationship between living and non-living nature and is one of the most important integrated science topics. Therefore, didactic research needs to focus on modern teaching strategies and try to remove these misconceptions in teaching about soil.


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Chmelová, Štěpánka. (2024). Science teacher students´ misconceptions in pedology . Envigogika, 19(1).
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